
A ledger is a log of payment requests and permission requests. How ledgers are used is up to merchants; for instance a webshop may have only a single ledger, while a convenience store may want a ledger per POS or a ledger per employee. See the ledger endpoints. A ledger named default is always available.

A (ledger) report is a data for a given time period on a ledger. The merchant decides when to close the currently open report on a ledger. E.g., once the merchant closes /ledger/X435XF2a/report/1/, /ledger/X435XF2a/report/2/ is created and becomes the currently open report where new payment requests and permission requests are added.

The report endpoint provides for access to per-transaction and per-permission request logs, as well as summary information and information about money paid out.

Report summaries

The report endpoint gives summaries for a report on a ledger (for instance, the end-of-day report of a given POS).

While the summary information includes fees to mCASH and a "net" for the transactions contained in a report, this is for information purposes only and these nets are not used further in the settlement procedure. The settlements have their own transaction logs, see the Settlements section.

An example result from the settlement endpoint could look like this:

    "id": "23",
    "date_created": "2013-10-09 08:00:02",
    "status": "closed",
    "time_closed": "2013-10-10 12:00:43",
    "report_summary": {
        "currency": "NOK",
        "gross": "12000.00",
        "fees" : [
            {"type": "settlement_fee", "amount": "15.00"},
            {"type": "settlement_fee_vat", "amount": "0.00"},
            {"type": "transaction_fee", "amount": "120.00"},
            {"type": "interchange", "amount": "150.00"},
            {"type": "scope_fee", "amount": "32.00"},
            {"type": "scope_fee_vat", "amount": "8.00"}
        "net": "11675.00"
    "permission_request_count": 121,
    "permission_answer_count": 67,
    "permission_fail_count": 30,
    "payment_request_count": 70,
    "payment_auth_count": 65,
    "payment_capture_count": 65,
    "payment_fail_count": 4,
    "payment_abort_count": 1,
    "payment_release_count": 0,
    "payment_expire_count": 0,
    "transaction_log_uris": [
    "scope_log_uris": [

The fees list may not contain an entry if its value is 0.00. The current fees are transaction_fee, interchange and scope_fee, and scope_fee_vat, though this list may grow with time.

The counters simply count up the number of event lines with the corresponding actions in the CSV log files; see the log documentation below.

In addition to what shown above, transaction_fee and scope_fee properties will also be returned, but are deprecated and only present for backwards compatibility reasons.

Transaction logs

An example table from the transaction log is given below; it contains three transactions:

  • A transaction where the full amount is captured right away, 7 seconds after initiation.
  • A transaction using partial capture to capture 50.00 NOK + 10.00 NOK from additional_amount first, then 50.00 NOK, leaving 50.00 NOK + 5.00 NOK additional amount left in the authorization; the remaining amount is (automatically) released when authorization expires.
  • A transaction that is aborted before the customer authorized the request.
  • A transaction that fails for some non-merchant related reason (e.g., rejected by the customer, spending limits exceeded, etc.).
tid sub_id timestamp action type customer currency amount additional_amount gross fee interchange vat taxcode net merchant_id settlement_id
p54daadrsdj4   2013-09-10 12:00:00 request   token:F_+z/3 NOK 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p54daadrsdj4   2013-09-10 13:00:07 auth credit token:F_+z/3 NOK 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p54daadrsdj4   2013-09-10 13:00:07 capture credit token:F_+z/3 NOK 200.00 0.00 200.00 1.80 0.50 0.00 NO:2013 197.70 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d   2013-09-10 13:00:00 request   token:goBlo8 NOK 150.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d   2013-09-10 13:00:07 auth credit token:goBlo8 NOK 150.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d mycapt1 2013-09-10 13:04:04 capture credit token:goBlo8 NOK 50.00 10.00 60.00 1.80 0.60 0.00 NO:2013 57.60 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d   2013-09-10 13:18:42 auth credit token:goBlo8 NOK 100.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d mycapt2 2013-09-10 13:20:37 capture credit token:goBlo8 NOK 50.00 0.00 50.00 1.80 0.50 0.00 NO:2013 47.70 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p8a7sdyfax4d   2013-09-13 14:42:17 release credit token:goBlo8 NOK 50.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p9g8qrtbnews   2013-09-10 15:35:00 request   token:qtVXn8 NOK 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
p9g8qrtbnews   2013-09-10 15:36:00 abort   token:qtVXn8 NOK 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
pa4kjhgw65yd   2013-09-10 10:00:40 request   token:34_szQ NOK 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342
pa4kjhgw65yd   2013-09-10 10:00:49 fail   token:34_szQ NOK 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 acme 4xrf2z-2014-11-27-342

Note that:

  • Log lines are first sorted lexicographically by tid, and then sorted by timestamp within a transaction. Therefore the log as a whole is not sorted by timestamp.
  • Within each report, lines grouped by transaction are all put in the same CSV file.
  • However, a transaction may re-appear in several reports in the same ledger. E.g., if one first gets auth, then close the currently open report on the ledger, and then captures, the auth and capture will be on separate reports.
  • The amount and additional_amount columns can not be summed, they should be read together with the status field and provide information only. The gross, net, fee and interchange fields are only set on capture, and so can be summed.
  • The sub_id field is always set on partial captures. If it is empty, there was a single capture for the full amount.
  • The vat field will currently always be 0.00 in Norwegian jurisdiction.
  • If a transaction is aborted prior to customer response, it will be listed with status abort.
  • If a transaction is aborted after the customer has authorized the transaction, the status will be release.
  • If a transaction is aborted or expires after a partial amount has been captured, the remaining amount will be listed with status release in the log.
  • settlement_id has the format <6 letter settlement series code>-<date of settlement>-<settlement serial number>. The last part (after the 4th dash) is what is used as settlement_id in the API.

When mCASH gives the Merchant a callback about an available report, or accesses the report endpoint, the response contains:

    "transaction_log_uris": ["https://mcashtest.appspot.com/_download/4FasdfZ_/myledger_23_154daad.csv",
    <... other properties ...>

The transaction log CSV files can then be downloaded.


The log URIs are only valid for 30 days after accessing of the endpoint. Access the endpoint again to get updated tokens embedded in the URI that is valid for another 30 days.

In addition to the table above it contains a number of reserved columns for future use; API users should accept arbitrary data in these columns, but presently no data will be sent. For the table above, the file myledger_23_154daad.csv may contain:

p54daadrsdj4,,2013-09-10 12:00:00,request,,token:F_+z/3,NOK,200.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p54daadrsdj4,,2013-09-10 13:00:07,auth,credit,token:F_+z/3,NOK,200.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p54daadrsdj4,,2013-09-10 13:00:07,capture,credit,token:F_+z/3,NOK,200.00,0.00,200.00,1.80,0.50,0.00,NO:2013,197.70,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,,2013-09-10 13:00:00,request,,token:goBlo8,NOK,150.00,15.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,,2013-09-10 13:00:07,auth,credit,token:goBlo8,NOK,150.00,15.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,mycapt1,2013-09-10 13:04:04,capture,credit,token:goBlo8,NOK,50.00,10.00,60.00,1.80,0.60,0.00,NO:2013,57.60,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,,2013-09-10 13:18:42,auth,credit,token:goBlo8,NOK,100.00,5.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,mycapt2,2013-09-10 13:20:37,capture,credit,token:goBlo8,NOK,50.00,0.00,50.00,1.80,0.50,0.00,NO:2013,47.70,,,
p8a7sdyfax4d,,2013-09-13 14:42:17,release,credit,token:goBlo8,NOK,50.00,5.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,NO:2013,0.00,,,

While the second part in myledger_23_1a4kjhg.csv contains:

p9g8qrtbnews,,2013-09-10 15:35:00,request,,token:qtVXn8,NOK,350.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
p9g8qrtbnews,,2013-09-10 15:35:00,abort,,token:qtVXn8,NOK,350.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
pa4kjhgw65yd,,2013-09-10 10:00:40,request,,token:34_szQ,NOK,77.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,
pa4kjhgw65yd,,2013-09-10 10:00:49,fail,,token:34_szQ,NOK,77.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,

Reference for transaction log CSV columns

tid : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
mCASH transaction id
sub_id : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Merchant-defined ID for partial captures; empty string for non-partial captures.
timestamp : DateTime : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Server timestamp for transaction, with format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss".
action : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
  • Value in request, auth, capture, fail, release, abort, expire, refund
The action performed on the transaction at the given time.
type : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
  • Value in credit, debit, none
Whether the payment is credit or debit. Empty string except when action is "auth" or "capture".
customer : PersonIdentifier : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
The ID the merchant used to send the payment request to the customer.
currency : Currency : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
  • length == 3
amount : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Amount of transaction, the exact meaning of this depends on "status". This column is not summable.
additional_amount : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Additional amount of transaction, the exact meaning of this depends on "status" as well as the merchant. This column is not summable.
gross : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Gross amount charged to customer by merchant (sum of amount and additional_amount. This is zero unless status is "capture", which makes the column summable.
fee : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Fee amount charged by mCASH to merchant. This column is summable.
interchange : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Interchange amount charged to merchant for credit transactions. This column is summable.
vat : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
VAT on the fees for this transaction. This column is summable.
taxcode : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Tax laws that apply for computing VAT for fees on this transaction, e.g., "NO:2013".
net : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
The net amount after subtracting all fees from gross. This field is zero unless status is "capture", which makes the column summable.
merchant_id : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
The ID of the merchant.
settlement_id : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
For ledger reports this is empty. For settlements, this is the ID of the settlement as given in the bank transcript. This has the form xxxxxx-YYYY-MM-DD-N, where xxxxxx is a 6-letter code for settlements unique to each merchant, YYYY-MM-DD is the date the settlement is made, and N is the serial number of the settlement (possibly multiple digits). Note that the N part itself corresponds to the settlement_id one should use in the API to fetch the settlement.
reserved1 : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Reserved for future use. This column will presently always be empty, but clients should always accept data in this column, as the column may be put to use without a bump in the API version number. The name of the header may also change.
reserved2 : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
See reserved1.

Permission request logs

The permission request log is very similar to the transaction log. Again the records are first grouped by the ID and then sorted by timestamp. For a ledger report, a request is first "pending", and then either "ok" or "fail". Note that "ok" means that the customer has answered the request one way or another (it may be a decline to share information), while "fail" is a general failure of the request to be answered (e.g., expiration).

rid timestamp status customer currency fee vat taxcode
as23rswas5sd 2013-09-10 13:00:07 pending token:F_+z/3 NOK 0.00 0.00  
as23rswas5sd 2013-09-10 13:00:10 ok token:F_+z/3 NOK 2.00 0.50 NO:2013
a6495av89wcv 2013-08-10 23:43:45 pending token:Q/3+Ys NOK 0.00 0.00  
a6495av89wcv 2013-08-10 23:45:10 fail token:Q/3+Ys NOK 1.00 0.25 NO:2013

When mCASH gives the Merchant a callback about an available report, or accesses the report endpoint, the response contains:

    "scope_log_uris": ["https://mcashtest.appspot.com/_download/5436FDE/31_5s23rsw.csv"]
    <... other properties ...>

As in the earlier case, the log can potentially be split over several CSV files. In the example above, the contents of 31_5s23rsw.csv would be:

as23rswas5sd,2013-09-10 13:00:07,pending,token:F_+z/3,NOK,0.00,0.00,,,,,,
as23rswas5sd,2013-09-10 13:00:10,ok,token:F_+z/3,NOK,1.80,0.50,NO:2013,,,,,
a6495av89wcv,2013-08-10 23:43:45,pending,token:Q/3+Ys,NOK,0.00,0.00,,,,,,
a6495av89wcv,2013-08-10 23:45:10,fail,token:Q/3+Ys,NOK,1.00,0.25,NO:2013,,,,,

Reference for permission request log CSV columns

rid : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
mCASH permission request ID.
timestamp : DateTime : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Server timestamp.
status : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
  • Value in pending, ok, fail
Status of permission request at time given.
customer : PersonIdentifier : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
The ID the merchant used to send the payment request to the customer.
currency : Currency : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
fee : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Fee amount charged by mCASH to merchant (excl. vat).
vat : Money : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
VAT for this service.
taxcode : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Tax laws that apply for computing VAT on fee, e.g., "NO:2013". See separate section below.
merchant_id : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
The ID of the merchant.
settlement_id : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
For ledger reports this is empty. For settlements, this is the ID of the settlement as given in the bank transcript. This has the form xxxxxx-YYYY-MM-DD-N, where xxxxxx is a 6-letter code for settlements unique to each merchant, YYYY-MM-DD is the date the settlement is made, and N is the serial number of the settlement (possibly multiple digits). Note that the N part itself corresponds to the settlement_id one should use in the API to fetch the settlement.
reserved1 : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
Reserved for future use. This column will presently always be empty, but clients should always accept data in this column, as the column may be put to use without a bump in the API version number. The name of the header may also change.
reserved2 : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
See reserved1.
reserved3 : String : required
  • Data required (new or existing on update)
See reserved1.